PART - 1


PART - 1

1)An egg looks like a crazy jellyfish underwater

A cracked egg on land might make a big mess, but 18 metres (60 feet) below the surface of the ocean, the pressure on the egg is 2.8 times atmospheric pressure, and it holds it all together like an invisible egg shell

2) Lasers can get trapped in a waterfall

This is an incredible example of total internal reflection, it also shows how fibre optic cables work to guide the flow of light.

3)If you spin a ball as you drop it, it flies

    I mean, it really flies. It's thanks to the Magnus effect, which occurs when the air on the front side of a spinning object is going the same direction as its spin, which means it gets dragged along with the object and deflected back.
Meanwhile, the air on the other side of the ball is moving in the opposite direction, so the air flow separates.

4)Water can boil and freeze at the same time

                           Yes, it's called the 'triple point', and it occurs when the temperature and pressure is just right for the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid) of a substance to coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium. This video shows cyclohexane in a vacuum.

5)Popping your knuckles isn't necessarily bad for you

One researcher popped the knuckles of one hand for 60 years but not the other, and found no discernible difference in the amount of arthritis between the two of them at the end of his experiment






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